Recently my daughters school had a bike and scooter parade. There's not a lot of inspiration out there in google-land, so I thought I'd put my own idea here, in case it's helpful for others. If I'd had more time, I would've sewn the head of the giraffe, but alas, I was flying by the seat of pants and this is what I came up with...
This was SO easy to do! The base for the neck is a tube from newsprint or architect paper. I made a base for the head from thin card and stuck the felt over the top. If I were to make any other animals in future, I'd use the card (or paper) as a pattern for the felt and stitch up the head with my sewing machine (or by hand). Anyway, it did the job nicely and
just stood through torrential rain!
Here's what I did:
I cut the cardboard tube lengthwise and placed around the scooter pole. I then made incisions all the way down the dark brown felted fabric and splayed them out, one tab on one side, one on the other, all the way down and I glued in place with PVA. This will be the mane. I have 2 pieces of felt as mine wasn't long enough to do one piece, you won't notice it later. |
Cut out a length of light brown felted fabric (see below) and paper clip to the top of the tube. Grab a pencil and mark out where you're going to trim the excess fabric off (most scooters have an adjustment lever midway down the pole which means the fabric won't have a straight edge). |
Cut the felt and use PVA to glue it on to the cardboard tube. If you want to sew on your giraffe spots (instead of gluing) then do this before you glue this piece and stick on the tube. I just glued mine, but they're not the best in wet weather. |
Use paper clips to hold it on at the top while it dries and you do the next step. |
Use a running stitch right through both sides of the light brown felt and dark brown felt, to hold it all together (glue won't be enough). |
Cut the mane (if you have more than one length of felt for the mane, like I did, ensure you line up the incisions for the mane). |
Cut out dark brown felt spots for the neck and stick on with PVA (unless you've sewn them on already). |
As I mentioned above, I cut out the head from card and taped it all together then stuck felt over it with PVA glue. In rain, it really needs sewing, but if you're time poor (like I was), this works just fine. The sides are the shape you want to cut 2 of. Then cut a long straight rectangular piece for the front of the head (to join up to the 2 side pieces). You can hand sew over the sides if you want extra stability and longevity. I cut out 4 ears and shaded them in and 4 ossicones (horn thingies), and stuck 2 together as my cardboard was thin. |
I separated the 2 stuck together pieces a little at the bottom and splayed them outwards. After making a slit with craft knife in the head, I poked the ears/ ossicones through and used PVA to glue to the inside of the head, then taped over the top for extra hold, attaching with a peg until they dried. |
Because I had no time to sew, I used PVA to glue across the top of all edges (it dries clear). I cut out 2 eyes and added 2 nostrils. |
I filled it with newspaper once it was dry and cut a little out of the
bottom of the head so it would sit flatter against the pole (neck). |
I punched holes in the head (as shown) with scissors, and got matching ribbon I wanted to recycle to attach to the scooter securely. |
Secured at top AND sides. |
Don't forget to draw a mouth! |
This was a real hit, you should've seen my daughter's face!
Amazing 🤗