Tuesday, 20 March 2012

A Stitch in Time

I hate sewing. But for some reason I can't seem to break the habit. I see something in the shops and think I could make that! I also get a kick outta making things for friends and family as gifts. I'm too cheap to pay someone a fortune for something I could whip up myself. Here is a sample of some of my sewn things. Hope it gives you inspiration to make some yourself!
Christmas decorations for family
A Christmas stocking with Swarovski crystals

Close up of sewing
Some more cupcakes

A selection of cupcake pincushions (felted)
A felted monster (made from my 4 year olds drawing) to help her through her "bad monsters at night" phase.

Close up of decoration

Christmas decorations for friends

Apron, pattern designed by me.
Apple coasters Oct 2012, templates available from Purl Bee
Xmas bunting 2012
See Dec 2012 posts for pattern
Xmas 2012 - see December 2012 posts for pattern

Apron, pattern designed by me.
A winter frock for my daughter.
Hearts from this Valentines Day (see Feb 2012 posts).

Simplicity 2064 - made Mar 2013
Matching headband, double sided - Mar 2013
Simplicity 2377 - Dec 2013
Easter 2013
I tried my hand at embellishing a bunch of bodysuits for various babies in my life. 2014

I embroidered some plain baby things to dress them up a bit.

I made this in 2014 for my eldest who started learning recorder at school

and one for her friend.

For Xmas 2015 we had a Secret Santa for my Mum's group, I made some decorations

I also made some snowflakes I'd seen online for my cousin.

A Xmas wreath - not much sewing.
A stocking with swarovski crystals. 2015

In 2016 I made this for my Mum for her needles.

Some bunny bookmarks for Easter 2016

An idea I saw on Pinterest. Another Secret Santa gift 2016

Easter 2017 - a no sew!

Little Easter bunny bags.

Monday, 12 March 2012

Strawberry Fields Forever

My friend had a baby a few months ago and I wanted to do some cute booties. I thought these looked easy but the pattern was a translation from Finnish and was a nightmare to follow! Anyway, they look suitably cute as long as you don't too close!
2012 - Pattern from Ravelry (there are a few around like this).
I saw a Mary Jane version of this which looks even sweeter and the pattern is probably easier to follow - will try those next time.